Supper Club 411


Welcome 2014!

Our plant-based supper club is held on the third Wednesday of every month, except in December when we venture out on the second Wednesday to a friendly eatery. Folks usually arrive at 6, have a drink and chat, and we gather for dinner around 6:30. The party rages until about 9.

The location is our home–Sue and Roger’s 1080 Knapp Street, NE Grand Rapids, MI 49505. We are located on the south side of Knapp Street, between Fuller and Diamond and across from the cemetery.


Parking is a little tricky. Only about a dozen cars will fit in the driveway. Currently, there’s an empty lot just east of our house–the closed Susie’s Cafe. We recommend that you park on Knapp or in that lot or on nearby Truxton unless you have trouble navigating the driveway on foot (then by all means, please park close to the house).

Anyone is welcome. We have a few rules, which have served us well. 1) Please be nice. Do not let anyone feel unwelcome or sit alone. Extend yourself and meet new friends; 2) First-timers don’t have to bring anything, but others should bring a plant-based dish. This can be simple or elaborate, but it must be plant-based (no meat, eggs, dairy). We mark all dishes for common allergens: corn, soy, mushroom, nut. 3) Bring whatever you like to drink. 4) We try to be zero waste, which means there are a fair amount of dishes–for the last few events, we’ve asked college students to do the dishes for tips.  We hope to raise enough to pay them each $10 an hour, which means $2-3 per person.  For those of us who’ve seen many supper clubs, this is the happiest arrangement we have found–the kids appreciate the money and free food and we’re not left with a boatload of dishes to clean the next day–nor guests the guilt of leaving us with them. 5) As much as we dearly love children, we don’t have enough room–especially in the indoor months–to include them.  If you have foodie older kids or teens, by all means, bring them!

We try to accommodate everyone! But sometimes we get a lot of people. Be patient through the growing pains. The food is so good and the people are so nice that you just want to come back.

9 thoughts on “Supper Club 411

  1. Hi I am a new freind of Becca Bochenek, she shared your wonderful group and how you are meeting and eating, I would enjoy attending your supper club…..I will plan on being there this week the 16th and bringing food to share, if you are full let me know…thankyou Mary

  2. Sue,
    I know you are not doing table captains but I wanted to let you know that I am looking forward to Plantsgiving again this year. Let me know if you could use any help ahead of time to set up.

  3. Pingback: Preview of March Attractions | stirthepotgr

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